TEN High Board Bar


Material - Finish
Esche AB
Eiche ON
Nussbaum WT
High Board Bar [b100 t45 h135]


Michael Schneider
Michael Schneider
Gründung Designschneider 1993 – Fokus Produkt-, Möbel- und Ausstellungsdesign – Konzept: Beautiful and Functional – Zusammenarbeit mit renommierten internationalen Möbelherstellern – Nationale und internationale Designpreise
Designer Profil


Esche AB
Eiche ON
Nussbaum WT
Product adopted the molded urethane foams for the cushion parts.
● About Molded Urethane Foams
A molded foam, a technical method, is made by filling a mixture of raw materials to compound in a shaping mold.
This method helps creating ideal fine lines and fluffiness which add variety in designs.
It is able to produce one-piece molding with built in flame also save raw materials. The biggest benefit of it is that the long lasting comfort.
Product adopted molded urethane foams for the cushion parts of seats
● About Molded Urethane Foams
A molded foam, a technical method, is made by filling a mixture of raw materials to compound in a shaping mold.
This method helps creating ideal fine lines and fluffiness which add variety in designs.
It is able to produce one-piece molding with built in flame also save raw materials. The biggest benefit of it is that the long lasting comfort.
Product adopted the detachable covers in order to maintain easily when re-upholstering.
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